
Common Lilac

It’s been a while since I posted anything now, and a while since I last shot with the camera I have used for this image. Some might say this camera can't quite match the newer models, but I still think the image quality is fine. Focusing is a bit fiddly, and I had to take several images to get the flower in focus the way I wanted. But I don’t mind that. It’s almost like a form of meditation to me.

Syringa vulgaris

That Magnolia again

Yes, it’s that magnolia again. The one I find so hard to get a decent shot of. And, no, there is nothing special about this shot either. What is special though is that this year it is in bloom almost two weeks earlier than last year. We have just over one week left of April, and already we have had temperatures between 15°C and 20°C for several days.

Magnolia (1/750s @ f/5,6, 75mm, ISO 200)