December 25th 2023
Still Winter
A Taste of Winter
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Rear Window
Winter Morning
This is the same window as in the post “Summer Morning” from June 3rd 2021. The summer image is taken at 7 o’clock in the morning on May 30th, whereas this is taken at 11 o’clock on December 2nd.
Waiting for the Train
A closer Look
Things aren’t always what they seem to be at first glance. Sometimes you have to look a little closer to decipher what you see.
Frost Patterns at last
A recurring theme of mine these frost patterns. There's just something about them, and I just can't help myself. And at last we have had a few days with temperatures below 0˚C, and no precipitation covering the frozen ponds and lakes.
Is Winter Coming
We are already past mid November, but so far it has been mild and rainy. I had hoped to be able to catch a few images of the early frost and thin sheets of ice. But so far we have hardly had any frost at all. So here is one from last winter.