A recurring theme of mine these frost patterns. There's just something about them, and I just can't help myself. And at last we have had a few days with temperatures below 0˚C, and no precipitation covering the frozen ponds and lakes.
Is Winter Coming
We are already past mid November, but so far it has been mild and rainy. I had hoped to be able to catch a few images of the early frost and thin sheets of ice. But so far we have hardly had any frost at all. So here is one from last winter.
Haukeli Mountain Route
This is an image from early summer this year, along the road between Haukeli and Røldal. I shot it with black and white conversion in mind. The image has a limited palette anyway, and I my oppinion the blue sky is more distracting than it is adding anything to the image.
Frozen in Time
A Different Kind of Winter
It is wintertime, but with temperatures between 0°C and almost 10°C it feels a bit more like we are in early spring rather than midwinter. Normally temperatures would be below minus 5°C at this time of year. What little snow we've had so far this winter, melted soon after it arrived. But with temperatures varying as much as they do, you can find nice frost patterns as the one in this image. These patterns form as the water starts to freeze, in this case from a shallow body of water on top of older ice.
Ice Patterns
Frost Patterns
It has been a while since I've done any landscape photography now. But last week I drove across Haukeli along route E134. I took the opportunity to stop and take a few shots. The weather was nice. About 25°C even at 1000 meters above sea level. Just a slight breeze. It was quiet and peaceful.