A couple of days ago I went downtown to visit the Oslo Opera House to make a few shots. The building designed by the architect firm Snøhetta (Wikipedia or company site) has quickly become popular destination for tourist visiting Oslo. The images for this panorama are taken from the end of the footbridge leading from the Central Station to the Opera House. The footbridge will be removed soon as the road beneath it has been closed.
More clear Ice
As I have mentioned in my posts from the PhaseOne PODAS workshop in Iceland, I am fascinated by clear ice. I came across this block of ice which someone had cut from a frozen lake and hauled out of the water. Some ice swimmers I guess. Viewing the ice from above it looked opaque and filled with tiny air bubbles, but the cross section is just great.
Ice Crystals
Here is one from the archive. It stayed pretty cold for several days, and the ice crystals which formed on the snow surface in the freezing conditions reflected the light in a beautiful way. Hope you like it.
A Splash of Color
Autumn may not be on your mind now that spring is just around the corner here in the north, but I find this time of year a bit dull; the light is harsh and the snow looks grey and dirty. I just needed a splash of color.
Back again after being more or less offline for various reasons over the past week. Here is an image I shot last summer. I enjoy the winter season and the light we get around mid winter, but I have to admit that I am looking forward to the summer season now.
Stringent and Simplified
A few more straws which caught my eye. I really like the textures and patterns created by the criss-crossing straws.
Still life, straw
A little hint of summer
Winter can be very nice, but I needed a little hint of summer. I shot this image last summer. I was setting up the tripod and the camera when I noticed the bumble bee lifting from the flowers on the left. What I wanted was to have the bee on the flowers or near them. But after waiting for quite some time I gave up and settled for this one.
Iceland - my Cliché
This is one of shots from the final day of the PhaseOne PODAS workshop in Iceland. We stopped to shoot a waterfall, but I found this scene more interesting. Near the top of the mountain ridge basalt columns, the ever present sign of volcanic activity, form amazing patterns. To me this is the cliché of the rural part of Iceland I have visited - mans presence dwarfed by the overwhelming nature, shaped by volcanic activity and worn down by the forces of the weather.